Friday, February 4, 2011

Site Observation Day 3

After a long, boring day in school, we got to go trekking in the woods again yesterday in fourth block.

Our first site was in the freshman courtyard. I remember eating lunch there and seeing spiders and other bugs. This time it was too cold for them, but I did see trees with no leaves, scattered bushes, a fence, and seeds. I could also see the baseball field. The sun was warming compared to the chilling wind and being outside was peaceful except for an annoying humming sound coming from the school.
When we arrived at site number two we found alot of duck feathers left behind from an attack. There were also pine cones, pine needles, and leaves. There was less sunlight and less wind because the trees blocked them, but it was still cold. I could barely hear birds over the sound of people chattering and cars driving.

A little while later, we arrived at our third site, a fallen tree. My hands were starting to go numb because it was too cold for me. I could hear things crunching as people walked and the stinking sound of the cars was still heard. There were standing trees surrounding the fallen tree. The ground was the same as site two, with pine cones and needles. The fallen tree was special because it had fungi on it.
I apologize if any of the following information is wrong, my hands were too cold to write neatly. Our fourth site was near a big, pretty tree. Everyone was talking and I could still hear the road, unfortunately. There were mushrooms under it and briars near the trunk. A pile of concrete pieces was near the tree and I found poop on one of them!

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