Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Site Observation Day 1

Our first trip outside was cold, but very fun!

We started on the edge of the baseball field and found animal feces! There were pine trees along the woods and the ground was really wet on the field. I was so cold even though I had a scarf, coat, and gloves! The wind against my face didn't help. All I could hear was the wind blowing past me and through the leaves.

Next, we walked into the woods and found rabbit feces, how fun! It was still very cold, but the trees blocked most of the wind. Although I could hear wind blowing in the tops of trees, the main sound was people dragging their feet. There was green moss on the tree trunks and a leaf that had been chomped on by an insect.

Our third site was beautiful! We stopped at a small pond surrounded by a few mossy rocks. Leaves were caught under the frozen water. It was still very cold, but even less wind could be heard blowing the leaves. The sun helped to keep me somewhat warm.

My last stop was near a road, so I could hear traffic and leaves blowing. My toes were frozen by this point, but the sun was still warm and comforting. We found this a semi-eaten nut:

Photos courtesy of Olivia Muchmore